
Botox Injection
What is a Botox Injection?
Botulinum Toxin type A (commercially available as Botox) has been used for years to treat spasticity and more recently in cosmetic surgery. When used for pain management, Botox is designed to stop muscle spasm for a period of up to 4 months. Local anaesthetic and Botox are injected onto the spasming muscle, usually the shoulder, neck and/or back areas.
How is it performed?
At Atlas Pain Care, the tender spots (or trigger points) will be palpated and marked with a marking pen.The area will then be cleaned with an antiseptic solution. Botox and local anaesthetic will then be injected under ultrasound guidance. It will take approximately a week to start working.You may experience some discomfort at the site of the injection until the Botox takes effect. The injection procedure takes approximately 15 minutes to perform.
What are the complications with botox injection?
Possible side effects include headache, flu-like symptoms, temporary exacerbation of pain and irritation of nerves at site of injection. Please read our FAQ section to know about the do's and dont's prior to and after the procedure.