
A C-arm is an imaging scanner intensifier. The name derives from the C-shaped arm used to connect the x-ray source and x-ray detector to one another. C-arms have radiographic capabilities, though they are used primarily for fluoroscopic intraoperative imaging during pain procedures. The devices provide high-resolution X-ray images in real time, thus allowing the physician to monitor progress and immediately make any corrections.
At Atlas Pain Care, Coimbatore we have SKAN-C C-arm, which is one of the safest X-ray machine available in its class, with virtually zero-leakage radiation. Our spinal interventions, head and neck interventions and cancer pain interventions are done using this X-ray machine
DICOM 3.0 (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) compliant
Virtual Collimation Feature with perfect Circular Collimation.
Virtual Collimation allows region-of-interest (ROI) selection without continued fluoroscopy.
High Quality Image Capture with 1k x 1k Resolution
Ultrasound is a non-invasive imaging technology used for the evaluation of the musculoskeletal (MSK) system.
This cutting edge technology is a reliable method for establishing an accurate diagnosis, playing a major role in disease monitoring, assessment of damage, and therapeutics.
Ultrasound enables the physician to see the target area in real-time.
At Atlas Pain Care, Coimbatore we use Esaote Mylab Six ultrasound, which is the Premium Choice in its class for musculoskeletal interventions such as muscle injections, shoulder and knee joint injections.
It is a cart-based ultrasound system that is highly ergonomic, low on noise and energy consumption, and delivers high quality ultrasound images.

The Chattanooga’s Galaxy 3 section Treatment Table is a specialized table used for different rehabilitation and physiotherapy treatments.
The Galaxy 3-Section High/Low table features the Hallotronic System with electric high/low height adjustment from 52 to 102 cm with capacity up to 200 kg/ 440 lb.
Designed with an easy access foot switch, accessible from any position around the table, and allowing for simple height adjustment on the fly.
It has a two-layer padding with non-flammable, biocompatible and scratchproof upholstery.
- Adjustable head section from +40 to -70 with gas spring
- Face hole on head section with removable face hole cover
- Includes 4 multi-directional casters, retractable by a single lever
- Easy access foot switch, accessible from any position around the table 360°
- Powder coated, stable scissor steel frame
- 2 side brackets for fixation of stabilization belts and elastic bands
- Traction support sleeves
- Personal Authorization System with 2 safety magnetic keys
- Non-slip rubber feet with 1 cm height adjustment allowing leveling of the table
Platelet rich plasma, commonly referred to as “PRP’, is a non-operative, permanent solution for conditions such as arthritis and ligament/tendon sprains and tears.
PRP therapy involves injecting a concentration of platelets, which are rich in growth and healing factors into the damaged ligaments and tendons to promote tissue repair and accelerate healing.
Creation of PRP is simple, and conveniently done at an office visit. The entire process of drawing blood to solution preparation only takes approximately 25-30 minutes. A small amount of blood is drawn from you, just like a routine blood test.
Once the blood is drawn it is then placed into a centrifuge. The centrifuge is a machine that spins the blood at high speeds in order to separate the blood into red blood cells and concentrated platelets. Once the blood is separated the red blood cells are discarded, and we are left with concentrated platelet rich plasma (PRP), which is ready to be used in the treatment process.
At, Atlas Pain Care, Coimbatore we use REV-MED Tricell PRP kit. The TriCell Kit allows us to produce a specific Platelet Plasma Product to meet individual patient requirements.

Radio frequency ablation (RFA) is a medical procedure in which heat is generated from high frequency electrical current in order to lesion the nervous tissue using radiofrequency lesion generator.
At Atlas Pain Care, Coimbatore we use INOMED LG2 Lesion generator which is a modern and portable lesion generator for all common lesion techniques (continuous radiofrequency and pulsed radiofrequency with different control modes) in pain treatment.
It is typically used in the treatment of neck pain, back pain and other nerve-related pains such as trigeminal neuralgia and sphenopalatine ganglion ablation. This list is not complete as there are close to 100 applications with this machine.
All critical application parameters are permanently monitored by the device, thereby providing maximum safety and comfort for both the user and patient during thermal lesioning.
The temperature control of the LG2 lesion generator allows to perform controlled thermal lesions.
Chattanooga intellect advanced is a Combination Therapy System – Interferential, Ultrasound, EMG, Muscle Stimulation and 20 other forms of electrotherapy.
The Intellect Advanced that we use in Atlas Pain Care, Coimbatore, also has a Laser Module and Channel 3/4 Electrotherapy Module.

Cooled RF is a non-invasive, outpatient treatment option for those suffering from chronic pain. It is a novel technology.
Using cooled radiofrequency energy we target the sensory nerves with RF energy heating and water circulating through the device cooling, resulting in a larger treatment area than conventional RF treatments. This procedure provides a relief up to two years.
Currently cooled radiofrequency ablation is used for lumbar medial branch neurotomy for low back pain, sacroiliac joint pain and genicular nerve radiofrequency neurotomy for chronic knee pain.
At Atlas Pain Care, Coimbatore we use HALYARD Health’s COOLIEF cooled RF lesion generator.
Coolief circulates water through the device while heating nervous tissue to create a treatment area that is larger than conventional RF treatments. This combination targets the pain-causing nerves without excessive heating, leading to pain relief.