
Cervical Epidural Injection
What is a cervical epidural injection?
On many occasions, the slipped disc in your neck is not big enough to warrant surgery but significant enough to cause severe neck and arm pain. On occasions you might not want surgery or you may not be fit for surgery and the symptoms may not go away with medications alone. In such situations, at Atlas Pain Care, Coimbatore, we perform what is known as cervical epidural injection.
This is a fairly simple procedure where a small needle will be used to inject a small dose of numbing medications and a small dose of steroids into the epidural space (a potential space around the spinal cord) in your neck. This injection is done under X-ray guidance in an operating room.
As a part of the pre procedural evaluation and planning, you will be asked about the medical problems you suffer from and all the medications you are currently on. Blood thinners like aspirin and clopidogrel (used in cardiac patients) needs to be stopped 4-5 days prior to the procedure in consultation with your cardiologist.
Typically, you will be asked to lie down on your belly and under the guidance of X-rays the needle will be introduced between the spinal bones in you neck into the epidural space. An anaesthetist will be on standby to look after your safety. This is a day care procedure and you will be allowed to go home the same day, after a couple of hours after the procedure. Please read our FAQ section to know more about the procedure.
How long will I get relief and what precautions should I take after this procedure?
Typically, patients will get relief from pain almost immediately after the procedure and pain relief lasts in most patient for a period ranging between 6 months to a year. This procedure, however, can be repeated if necessary.
It is important to remember that the cervical epidural injection is only effective if followed up with a meaningful pain management program in consultation with our physiotherapist, psychologist and occupational therapist. Rehabilitation involves daily performance of structured exercise program to strengthen your neck muscles and ligaments to prevent recurrence of the problem.