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Adductor Tendon Injection

What is an Adductor tendon injection?

Adductor muscles are located in the inner thigh. The main function of these muscles is to pull the legs together. Inflammation or strain of the tendons that attach the adductor muscles to the bone can sometimes result in severe groin pain that is made worse with walking. The adductor tendon injection involves the injection of medications into the muscle around the groin area.

At Atlas Pain Care, Coimbatore adductor tendon injections are performed using either ultrasound or X-ray guidance on a day care basis.

What will happen to me during before the procedure?

At Atlas Pain Care, Coimbatore, you will be asked to change into a hospital gown and taken to our procedure room. Your groin area will be cleaned with antiseptic solution and draped. The injection site is then identified using ultrasound or X-rays and a small amount of local anaesthetic is injected into the skin overlying the injection site to numb the skin. The medication is then given around the adductor tendon near its attachment to the bone. You may feel some discomfort during the injection, but this normally settles quickly.

The whole procedure will take around 10 minutes, after which you will be observed in recovery room for 30 minutes prior to discharge.

How long does the pain relief last?

The injection may provide relief for a few months from pain but you should follow a regular gentle course of daily exercises, as prescribed by us, to keep the gains.

What are the possible side effects/complications of the procedure?

The procedure is very safe when performed under ultrasound/x ray guidance. Temporary worsening of pain and bruising over the injection site can occur. Other complications like bleeding and infection are extremely rare.

Please read our FAQ section to know more about the do's and don'ts prior to and after the procedure.