
Lumbar Plexus Block
What is lumbar plexus block?
Lumbar plexus is a web of nerves in the low back region within the substance of the psoas muscle. This plexus of nerves supplies the skin and musculature of the lower limb. Lumbar plexus block is an advanced nerve block technique that is indicated in patients suffering with lumbar plexopathy (lumbar plexus damage due to radiotherapy or cancer infiltration). The pain, similar to sciatica, radiates down the leg and there might be altered sensations as well. Occasionally, a tiny tube (catheter) is placed close to the lumbar plexus to deliver medications for a longer time.
What should I expect if I am undergoing lumbar plexus block?
Blood thinning medicines must be stopped prior to your procedure, and we will advise you regarding that at Atlas Pain Care, Coimbatore. In the procedure room, you will be assisted into a position that involves lying on your tummy with pillows supporting your hip and abdomen.
An X-ray or an ultrasound machine will then be used to determine where the needle should be placed. Following infiltration of local anaesthesia to reduce skin discomfort during the procedure, the needle is placed and guided to the lumbar plexus under image control. Once correct placement is confirmed with a dye, local anaesthetic and other medications are injected. The procedure takes not more than 15 minutes, following which you will be observed in the recovery room for an hour and discharged home later.
What are the possible risks with this procedure?
Gentle activity and rest is recommended for the first 24 hours following the procedure. The local anaesthetic will wear off 12 – 18 hours following your procedure after which you might experience slight discomfort till the other medications start taking effect. Occasionally, you leg may feel heavy or weak for a few hours. Major side effects like bleeding and infection are very rare. Please read our FAQ section to know more about the do's and don'ts prior to and after the procedure.