
Lumbar Sympathectomy
What is lumbar sympathectomy?
The lumbar sympathetic chain is a group of nerves in your lower back that control the blood supply to the legs, and does a host of other functions. They do not normally carry pain signals, but can become ‘switched on,’ to send pain signals to the brain. A lumbar sympathectomy is a procedure that blocks the sympathetic nerves to increase the blood supply to the leg. This can reduce your leg pain caused reduced blood supply and assist with the healing of ulcers.
It is done to provide symptom relief, healing and rehabilitation in the following conditions: ischaemic pain and ulcer (due to reduced blood supply) and Complex regional pain syndromes involving leg and foot.
What should I expect if I am undergoing lumbar sympathectomy?
Blood thinning medicines must be stopped prior to your procedure, and we will advise you regarding that at Atlas Pain Care, Coimbatore. Lumbar sympathectomy is a day surgery procedure. In the procedure room, you will be assisted into a position that involves lying on your tummy. An X-ray machine will be used to determine the needle entry site and local anaesthetic will be injected to numb the discomfort of the procedure needle. The procedure needle is then introduced under X-ray control, and once the needle position is confirmed, local anaesthetic along with other medications to provide long-time benefit can be injected. After the procedure, you will be taken to the recovery room, where you will remain for approximately one hour. We would expect you to notice increased warmth in your leg or foot and a reduction in your level of pain.
When the local anaesthetic injection is beneficial, but the effect is short lived, we perform radiofrequency ablation of the lumbar sympathetic nerves, where the nerves are heated up with an electric needle. This, too, is a day care procedure that is often requested by the vascular surgeons for us to perform.
What are the possible side effects?
Common side effects include injection site pain and soreness. You might experience heaviness in the legs, which will last only for short time. Major side effects like bleeding, infection are very rare. Please read our FAQ section to know more about the do's and don'ts prior to and after the procedure.