
Suprascapular Nerve Block
What is a Suprascapular Nerve Block and neurotomy?
The suprascapular nerve is located at the back of the shoulder blade (known as the scapula). This nerve supplies the shoulder joint and 2 of the muscles of the rotator cuff. It may become compressed for a number of reasons, the most common being due to wearing heavy bags over the shoulder or due to direct injury. A suprascapular nerve block involves the injection of medications close to the suprascapular nerve to determine the cause for shoulder pain and as a treatment.
It is used diagnostically to evaluate shoulder girdle and shoulder joint pain. The injection reduces inflammation, irritation and/or swelling around the suprascapular nerve and takes approximately 48 hours to start working. This procedure is always performed using the X-ray machine/Ultrasound in the day surgery setting.
Once we have confirmed that you have had pain relief, radiofrequency lesioning of the suprascapular nerve is then offered.
What Will Happen?
You will be admitted to the day surgery by a nurse and you will be asked to change into a gown and in the procedure room, you will be assisted to position on the procedure table. An X-ray /ultrasound machine will be used to determine where we should place the needle for your procedure. The medicines will be injected once correct placement has been established.
The procedure will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. After the procedure, you will be placed on a trolley and taken to recovery, where you will remain for approximately one hour and after that you will be discharged with a carer.
Please read our FAQ section to know more about the do's and don'ts prior to and after the procedure.